Turn Developer Console Into Chrome Tab

Blog - Tip -New New Dev Console Chrome.gif

Salesforce development veterans have probably forgotten some of the annoying quirks of the developer console.

Well, recently I found out one of those annoyances can be solved with Google chrome.

I am talking about the dev console always being in its own chrome window.

It seems like a minor thing but unless you have multiple screens it can be super irritating to flip back and forth between your regular chrome window and dev console window.

You can right-click on the top bar of your dev console window and select “Show as tab”

From there, your previously solo chrome window becomes a normal window with tabs.

You can freely combine or move your tabs like normal.


If you are on a Mac this happens automatically if chrome is in fullscreen mode.

This tip has become extremely useful and I now use it anytime I am in the developer console. 

Super extra bonus you can also right click developer console in the setup and open it as a new tab. The more you know!

Credits: Roflmeister#1714 - Salesforce Exchange Discord


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